Provides two macros, @mark
and @skip
which give users control over skipping arbitrary code in functions for better performance.
For convenience, this package also exports @argcheck
and @check
from the package ArgCheck.jl
and provides the macro @skipargcheck
to skip these checks.
This package is still experimental, and there might be undiscovered bugs. Please open an issue, if you encounter any problems.
Currently, @skip
and @skipargcheck
will not recurse through keyword arguments, due to limitations in IRTools
— Macro@mark label ex
Marks ex
as an optional argument check, so when a function is called via @skip
with label label
, ex
will be omitted.
julia> function half(x::Integer)
@mark check_even iseven(x) || throw(DomainError(x, "x has to be an even number"))
return x ÷ 2
half (generic function with 1 method)
julia> half(4)
julia> half(3)
ERROR: DomainError with 3:
x has to be an even number
julia> @skip check_even half(3)
— Macro@skip label ex[[ recursive=true]]
@skip [label1, label2, ...] ex[[ recursive=true]]
For every function call in ex
, expressions marked with label label
(or any of the labels label*
respectively) using the macro @mark
get omitted recursively.
— Macro@unsafe_skipargcheck ex[[ recursive=true]]
Elides argument checks created with @argcheck
or @check
, provided by the package ArgCheck.jl